Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Childhood is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies

Little one please clutch
the rainbow light
for the world is much
too dangerous for a sprite.

The Great Sleep
means nothing
and yet is a great

Keep the blinders on
for a day will dawn
when light will cease
to carry on.

Evermore, the world is yours.
Reach, teach, walk on all fours,
love like the world means more
than any game of connect four.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hills Like White Elephants Creative Post


I see the struggle. I hear the struggle in your voice. Listening to what you and the American are talking about is heartbreaking. I see the push and the pull like a game of tug of war. Honey, the world will always be there to explore but this, this may never happen again. The risks are high for this kind of procedure; there are no guarantees. Do what you want; thoroughly think through every aspect of this decision. One thing I ask is to not take into account the American. He doesn't sound like he's ready for the next chapter in life. On the train ride to wherever you're going. sit, think, listen, and reason. That's all I ask.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Work of Artifice-Problematizing

Even though this poem was written in the 1970s, I believe it is just as true today as it was back then. There's always been pressure on the way females are to act and look but it seems to have really evident in the US within the last 15 to 20 years. There are numerous beauty, anti-aging, teeth whitening, fat reducing products that we can't even name them all. Girls and women alike are feeling the pressures from the beauty and fashion industry to look a certain way. The "certain way" is not attainable for the mass populace. And it's starting younger and younger."With living creatures one must begin very early to dwarf their growth:"Just turn on the TV and you'll see numerous shows about high schoolers getting plastic surgery and little girls wearing make-up with spray on tans. It's out of control.

This poem, to me, is neither puzzling or challenging. It's inspiring. Yes, it's challenging to our culture to make them wake up and smell the roses. In a way, culture is carefully pruning us to ensure that we grow the way they want us to. Yet, the effects are detrimental. More and more girls are succumbing to eating disorders, extreme diets, and plastic surgery. All in the effort of trying to look like women in magazines who are air brushed.

Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." The word "created" is used three times and in the Jewish faith, three equals perfection or complete. He didn't say "created" three times for the heck of it. When we read that, we're to know that it was not by mistake the way he made us. We were made like him and created in HIS image. There are no flaws in his eyes. He finds us beautiful. As Christian females, who's opinion matters at the end? The ones who will pass away? Or the One who will be with us for eternity?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we can't wear make-up or do our hair, but who are we doing it for?