Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Water-Reflection Post

"It's more than just rain or snow" was really interesting. I never realized how significant weather was in literature. Like the chapter says, I know the infamous line, "It was a dark and stormy night." It's become a cliché. After hearing it so often, one becomes numb to how weather can affect the story line, unless the author puts it in your face.

An idea the author says is, “So if you want a character to be cleansed, symbolically, let him walk through the rain to get somewhere. He can be quite transformed when he gets there” (77). How true of Christ! There’s a reason He relates himself to living water. Drink of Him and never thirst again. He sustains life and transforms people. There’s a song called, “All My Fountains” by Chris Tomlin that goes with this topic. Here are a few lyrics:

This dry and desert land
I tell myself, “Keep walking on”
Hear something up ahead
Water falling like a song
An everlasting stream
Your river carries me home
Let it flow, let it flow

Verse 2
A flood for my soul
A well that never will run dry

I've rambled on my own
Never believing I would find
An everlasting stream
Your river carries me home
Let it flow, let it flow

Open the heavens
Come Living Water
All my fountains are in You
You're strong like a river
Your love is running through
All my fountains are in You

Come on, and rain down on us
Rain down on us, Lord

Having Christ rain down on us will transform us even more and continues to change us into the people He wants us to become. We are the vessels that show Christ and His love (fountains) and our source is Him (well that never will run dry). All of who I am should be locked into who He is. Our prayers should be for him to continually rain down and smother us, transform us.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how you tied in the Chris Tomlin song to your post making it applicable to our Christian walk! Great job!
